Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A delivery from the Easter Bunny!

Aside from the rescue / foster pets we have, we've also got our own personal pets, including some exotics. As John was watching them all playing happily in the back yard with the dogs on Easter he mentioned that the grass wasn't being eaten nearly fast enough. Our back yard is fenced for the dogs to safely play in and to ensure we didn't have someone open a gate we didn't install one. This keeps their yard completely safe and secure. It also makes it very difficult to get a lawn mower into!

Some of our exotic pets are grass grazers but they just aren't keeping up this year. John made the mistake of mentioning that a goat would be quite helpful. He's been promising me a goat for seven years. Now, that's just a mean thing to tease about!

Well, he decided he was serious. We needed a goat. I hit the internet and found a pair of 11 week old pygmy goats an hour from us. We went intending to bring home only one, but we couldn't bear to break up the two. They were brothers and quite bonded.

So among our menagerie out back we now have two very tiny little pygmy goats. For the most part most of the dogs ignored them. A couple of the mommas wanted to mother them and spooked them. I"m sure it's going to take them a few days to settle in and relax. A couple dogs thought they wanted to play since they were running. It's taken us a few days of getting the dogs to understand the goats do not want to play! Keep in mind, these are the dogs that welcomed a wild skunk into our yard as if it were one of them. To say they are social dogs is pretty understated!

Updated and photos will follow! Keep an eye out!

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